
Sunday, March 07, 2004

I just joined a new network on Ryze and just love the content - I'm in the organizing mood lately and this will be good motivation - sort of a team approach... here's the list of goals that the network members have been working on - I noted my updates on each one.. I've got some catching up to do - but love the direction... checkout the Get Organized-network.

Friday Club Goals By Finish Date:
3/06/04 Create a travel toiletries kit. DONE
2/27/04 You choose! DONE - I organized my paper clutter
2/20/04 Do one thing toward 2003 tax preparation. DONE - gathered deduction receipts
2/13/04 Gather 25 household items and toss or donate. IN PROGRESS
2/05/04 Set up a system to manage your email. IN PROGRESS - i've got a folder system to flush things from the inbox - but need to add a few more folders and get rid of old posts...i'm nearing my 25MB limit
1/09/04 Write down & post in a visible spot, your specific goals for 2004. IN PROGRESS - with my girlfriend group - we got together and came up with our resolutions - I need to get a copy of it and post it
12/19/03 Create a gift wrapping station in your home. IN PROGRESS - already have a gift wrap storage - but need to downsize and find a permanent home for the wrap box
12/12/03 Begin tax preparation for yourself or your CPA. DONE
11/28/03 & 12/5/03 Create a finding system for the relevant business cards remaining after Search & Destroy. NOT EVEN STARTED
11/21/03 Search & Destory irrelevant business cards. NOT EVEN STARTED
11/14/03 Sort and purge one stack of paper. DONE - problem is I do this every week - got to stop the paper in-flow...
11/07/03 Purge dresser drawers of extra clothing. IN PROGRESS - this one's been on my list for a long while...
10/31/03 Identify procrastination items and tackle one. DONE - I took care of something far in advance that I usually put off
10/24/03 Clean out & organize one junk drawer. DONE - thank goodness - we only have one.
10/17/03 Clean out & organize one kitchen cabinet. DONE - when the kitchen is organized - i love it